Social Media Trends for 2019

The world of social media is constantly changing. Every year brings new trends, ideas and tools. In most cases, the changes are gradual and somewhat predictable; were you really surprised to see GooglePlus bite the dust?

In this seminar, we review the social media trends we expect to see in 2019, what they mean to you and how to leverage them most effectively. Some of them have already begun, and are growing steadily. Others are booming, and expected to get even bigger in 2019.

The six trends covered in the seminar include:

  1. What happened in 2018
  2. Rebuilding Trust
  3. Micro Influencers
  4. Facebook Groups
  5. Storification
  6. #WhatMessGram

And there’s a valuable offer for the 10th annual Social Media Camp on the last page.


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