about US

We get results for companies just like yours.

bWEST is a “results based” digital marketing firm. We start with the end in mind. What do you want to achieve? We develop digital solutions for business owners and marketing professionals who want real results for their business; from website traffic, to qualified leads and more customers. 

Our Stake in the Ground

Get to know people before you work with them!

You’re going to spend a few weeks, months (or more) with whomever you work with. You need to know you can work with them. Before we work together we need to know that we CAN work together.


Our job is not to please you, it is to serve you. We may tell you things you don't want to hear. We’ll be looking at some messy parts of your organization together! We may uncover some issues and unfinished business. We’re going to have different ideas on how to achieve your goals. We don’t retreat from arguing. Sometimes it’s the best way to solve a problem.

We are not a supplier

Suppliers refill inventory on the shelf. We’re a partner. If you tell us to do something we’re going to ask you why. We’re going to talk about how that maps to the marketing strategy. You’re the expert at your thing. We’re the experts at our thing. That’s why you hired us. There needs to be trust and respect on both sides. We’re not doing it for you, we’re doing it with you.

Research is not negotiable

We can’t solve a problem until we understand it. That means we need to study it. That means we need to review your analytics, talk to customers, study the category, that sort of thing. Once we understand the problem, we can start developing solutions. Every hour we spend on research saves us ten hours down the road.

Trust the process

We have a process for getting results, which has worked for hundreds of client projects. We make educated decisions based on research. We believe in those decisions and then we validate those decisions with real data. But don’t take our word for it, listen to what our clients have to say…

Chris Burdge
Chris Whiteley
Rosemary White

The Crew