Greetings! Hello everyone!
Matt Leonhardt here. I couldn’t be more excited to be writing my first blog post as the newest member of the bWEST team! First, some brief background info..
- I’m currently in my final year of studies at UVic’s Gustavson School of Business, majoring in Entrepreneurship
- I spent the Fall semester studying abroad in Gothenburg, Sweden (which was AWESOME!)
- Last year I represented UVic by competing in JDC West, which is known as the “Olympics” for Canadian business schools. My team ended up placing 1st in our competition, which tested leadership, perseverance, and teamwork
- I am extremely passionate about sports; hockey, baseball, football – you name it
- I was raised here on the island in Sidney, which makes being able to work for a Victoria-based company that much more exciting for me!
I was extremely thrilled when Chris informed me that I was the candidate that he had decided to go with. Finding a co-op job as a student can be difficult, and I feel very lucky to have found one with so much opportunity. The job description of “Social Media Marketing” enticed me simply due to its relevance with today’s world of business. Facebook and Twitter have become staples in my personal life, and to be able to utilize my already pre-existing knowledge and skills in a professional setting is very exciting for me.
There are, however, some aspects of social media that I will need to be conscious of while making the switch from personal to professional use.
It’s very easy for us to get too personal on these social media platforms; something that I will self-admittedly plead guilty to on a few occasions. However, I feel that through consistently using Facebook and Twitter over the past few years I have been able to develop a grasp of what works and what doesn’t with regards to marketing techniques. This is why I am very excited to begin my time here.
I just completed my first designated task, and I have to say it was a lot different than I had expected.
I’ve always been conscious of the opportunity that social media presents to businesses, but dealing with real situations has already brought this concept to life for me after my first day. I’m looking very forward to the journey through the next 12 weeks, and can’t wait to see experience what’s on the horizon!
Thanks for reading, and if you care to check in with me at all.. I have Twitter! @MLeonhardt90
Matt Leonhardt
9 thoughts on “Exciting Times Ahead”
Welcome to the team Matt. We couldn't be more excited to have you join us. You certainly hit the ground running and are off to a great start.
Welcome to the team Matt. We couldn't be more excited to have you join us. You certainly hit the ground running and are off to a great start.
Congrats on your position Matt. You're part of a great team – enjoy the journey.
A fellow fun ginger.
Congrats Matt – Chris is a really fun, smart guy – you will learn oodles from him.
Thanks Scott. We don't start teaching oodles until week 2… 😉
Congratulations Matt! They chose well. You are the best.
Welcome aboard Matt! We will have to change your name to Chris at some point.
Congrats Matt! We have also just hired a new eCommerce/Marketing Assistant and it was certainly no easy task. Enjoy your co-op!
Sounds like you're a great fit in your new position, Matt. Way to go! And great first ever blog post!