An empty text editor is my worst nightmare. There is nothing worse than staring at its menacing blank expanse while experiencing the onset of the dreaded Writer’s Block. Coming up with great blog post ideas week after week can be a daunting task.
If only there was a way to get inspiration for your posts based on what your readers actually want to read. If only you had a solid tool that gave you fresh content ideas week after week.
Get your readers to help you fight off Writer’s Block
A great weapon in the war against Writer’s Block is the search box on your WordPress site and the plugin ‘Search Meter.’ This amazing plugin taps into your search box and provides information on what terms are being searched for on your website. Any time someone comes to your site and enters any sort of search query, you will know about it.
This plugin breaks the data into two sections: Search Summary and Unsuccessful Search Summary.
Search Summary: This section shows all of the terms that have been entered into the search box that successfully matched content within your site. This section can give you a solid indication of what types of content users are looking for on your website, but may have troubles locating. Use this knowledge to craft follow up posts with similar topics, and perhaps even feature these posts more prominently on your site to improve the end-user experience.
Unsuccessful Search Summary: This section details all of the search queries that have been completed within your site that did not yield any search results. This section can be used to identify gaps in your content and determine what your readers are looking for. These search terms should be the basis for inspiration for new posts for your website.
With the Search Meter Plugin, Writer’s Block can be a thing of the past.
Check your website to see if you have a search box. If you do, then install Search Meter and let your readers start sending you inspiration. If you do not have a search box, simply head to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance>Widgets. On that screen you will see the search box widget (it’s installed by default). Just drag it into your sidebar and hit save.
Good bye Writer’s Block. No one liked you anyway.